
Sometimes I love taking a break from blogging because I realize how much it does for me. I love sharing my thoughts, I enjoy getting to read what others are saying and most importantly, I enjoy touching a world of people. There is something about strength that comes to mind, I find such strength by my fellow bloggers. Have you ever stopped to just search blogs for the illness (es) you are fighting? I did and wow! There are young bloggers, middle aged bloggers, mature bloggers, and every where in between. All ages, all nationalities, and so much more! And we EACH have a unique story to share, we each have a journey and through our sharing our journeys…we share a nugget with someone who needs its.

Our wisdom comes from experience. My experience comes from the tough battle of having Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Fibromygalia, Sjogrens, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (the highlights of my life). I can touch someone who has gone through the journey of Arava, Imuran, MTX (2), Plaquenil, Steroids, and Enbrel. Your journey highlights YOUR journey. I can share my journey of finding this life when I was just in my early 20’s…right when I thought my life was starting. I can share the stories of battling it all while finishing graduate school and completing a doctorate.

Tonight I was thinking about my favorite word! And I will say my favorite word would be “determined.” I am super determined, no I might not make my goal every time. No I might not be the top top top person in my graduating class…BUT I will finish! Whether it will take me 12 years or if it is a goal I can accomplish in less time. I am a fighter, I am determined once I set my eyes on the goal that I want to achieve.

So taking time away from blogging for a few weeks. I have realized that my story is as important now as it was back when I started this blog. While my completion of school might be over…my life is still growing, changing, maturing, and things are still happening that could be beneficial to someone else. And I love hearing your stories too!

To more stories that we share!



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